You vowed, at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey, that you wouldn’t enter the never-ending financial cycle: you would spend what you have and this would be it. You are not one to bare the weight of loans and let’s be honest, you tend to mistrust tiny fonts at the bottom of papers you need to sign.
Although business loans are the scapegoats of the banking system, they are actually very useful tools that can help you grow your business. For many years now, BLC Bank has strived to offer SMEs the most convenient and accessible range of products sometimes reaching 0% interest rates. What makes them so competitive? The fact that they’re tailor-made for entrepreneurs’ needs. This is mainly due to the fact that we go to clients and organize numerous roadshows in order to truly understand the stakes of our action.
Once a business knocks at our door, we put a full-fledged program at his disposal including workshops, business assistance and base our judgment on more than the mere financial statements provided.
Also, applying for a loan helps you:
- Avoid the hassle of involving investors and sharing profits: you just need to return the capital and move on.
- Stay away from profit-sharing stakeholders: Unlike an investor, your bank will only require you to pay back the lent amount. Once this is done, you’re free to go; no sharing profits made, no strings attached.
- Forecast your cash flow thanks to Predictable monthly payments: you’re ready to face any eventuality and can plan ahead with no fear.
- Build a solid credit history for your business which will help you throughout your financial life.
- Expand your business without spending your personal savings: although this sounds like a wise idea, it is one that will drain your bank accounts on the long run.
- Follow technological innovations and seek new business opportunities: those machines get really expensive and there’s no way you can keep up with all these costs.
- Become financially relaxed: no need to spend time underwater waiting for customer X to pay so that you can contact supplier Y.
Last but not least, if you specialize in agriculture, tech, industry, tourism or handcraft, you can apply for a Kafalat loan. Their terms and conditions are set by the regulator and can thus not be modified by banks.
Feeling reassured? Visit BLC Bank for more info regarding our wide range of products or give us a call on 1510 and we’ll more than pleased to answer your questions.